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Software Testing Training


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Manual Testing Training Syllabus

Software Testing

M-1: Introduction to Software Testing

What is software? And its types
Software engineering and its process
What is software testing?
Manual and automation testing
Ways of testing?
Software testing Objective
Roles and responsibilities of software tester
Characteristics of good tester
Verification and validation
Software testing principles

M-2: SDLC and Its Models

what is SDLC?
SDLC process in detail
Various SDLC models
Waterfall model
Agile model
Prototype model
Spiral model

M-3: Testing Levels-Unit Testing

Need for levels of testing
Four levels of testing
Introduction to unit testing
Unit testing tools
Unit testing approaches
Unit testing advantages and disadvantages

M-4: Testing Levels- Integration Testing, System Testing, UAT

Integration testing introduction
Integration testing approaches-big bang approach and incremental approach
System testing introduction
Functional testing-smoke testing, sanity testing, regression testing, retesting
Non-functional Testing-Performance testing, load testing, Stress testing, recovery testing
User Acceptance testing(UAT) introduction
Alpha testing and beta testing

M-5: Test Granularity-White Box Testing

What is test granularity?
Testing techniques
Static and dynamic testing
White box testing, black box testing, Grey box testing
White box testing introduction
Steps to perform white box testing
White box testing techniques-statement coverage, branch coverage, path coverage
Cyclomatic complexity

M-6: Black Box Testing and Its Techniques

Black box testing introduction
Black box testing types
Steps to black box testing
Black box testing tools
Black box testing techniques
Equivalence class partitioning(ECP)
Boundary value analysis(BVA)
Decision table testing
Error guessing

M-7: Special Types of Testing, Verification and Validation, V-Model, Reviews

Special type of testing-ad hoc testing, monkey testing, GUI testing, compatibility testing, mutation testing, exploratory testing, Security testing
Verification and validation difference in detail
v-model introduction
v-model advantages and disadvantages

what is reviews?
Roles involved in review process
Review types

M-8: Software Testing Life Cycle(STLC)

What is STLC? Various phases of STLC
Entry and Exit criteria of testing
Exit level criteria of testing/when to stop testing
Requirement analysis phase
Test planning phase
Test design phase and Test environment phase
Test execution phase
Test closure phases
Test deliverables

M-9: Test Plan and Test Case

What is test plan?
Steps to create test plan as per IEEE829 standard-analyse the product, develop test strategy, define the test objective, define test criteria, resource planning, plan test environment, schedule and estimation and test deliverables

What is test case?
Important fields in test case
Characteristics of good test case
Sample test case creation
Test case creation practice

M-10: Bug Life Cycle, RTM Preparation, Defect Report Preparation

What is bug life cycle?
Bug life cycle detail explanation with standard diagram

What is RTM?
Need for RTM
RTM types
Sample RTM document

What is Defect report?
Important fields in Defect report
Defect priority
Defect severity

M-11: Web Testing, Test Metrics and Measurements, Test Reports

What is web testing?
Steps to perform web testing

What is test metric?
What is test measurements?
Why test metric and measurements?
Types of test metrics.
Important formulas to calculate test metrics

What is test report?
Good test report characteristics
Test report components

M-12: Quality, Quality management process, Quality Principles, ISO standards, CMMI and TMMI Levels

What is quality?
Quality Assurance(QA)
Quality control(QA)
PDCA life cycle

What is ISO standards?
Benefits of ISO 9000 standard

What is CMMI?
CMMI levels

What is TMM?
TMM levels
Quality principles

Automation Testing (Selenium) Syllabus

Selenium topics:

S-1: Introduction to Selenium

Introduction to automation
Comparison between manual and automation
Automation life cycle
What is selenium?
Why selenium with java?
Selenium components
Difference between QTP and selenium

S-2: Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE introduction
Selenium IDE installation
Record and run selenium IDE script
Selenium IDE commands types
Verifying page elements
Inspecting elements in a webpage
Understanding locators-ID, name, Xpath, CSS attributes

S-3: Selenium Webdriver

Introduction to selenium Webdriver
Selenium Webdriver architecture
Selenium Webdriver installation
Creating new java projects and classes in Eclipse
Browser commands
Navigation commands
Accessing elements using Locators
Handling web elements-test box, links, radio button and check boxes

S-4: Selenium handles

Handling window and multiple windows using selenium Webdriver
Handling Alerts in selenium Webdriver
Handling dropdown in selenium Webdriver
Handling calendar popups
Taking Screenshots

S-5: Creating and Customizing Xpath/ AutoIT

What is XPath
When to Use XPath
Absolute XPath/Relative Xpath
Handling dynamic web tables
Installing AutoIT
Components of AutoIT
Using Finder Tool
AutoIT commands
Creating Scripts in AutoIT
Creating executable files
Running AutoIT Scripts from Selenium

S-6: Synchronization and JXL

What is synchronization?
Implicit Wait
Fluent Wait
What is JXL?
Read Excel using JXL
Write Excel using JXL

S-7: Junit framework

What is framework?
Junit introduction
Junit installation
Junit test script
Junit annotations
Junit assertions
Junit parametrization tests

S-8: TestNG framework

Advantages of TestNG over JUnit
Why do we need TestNG in Selenium?
Installing TestNG in Eclipse
Creating a New TestNG Test File
Test annotation
Running the Test
Checking reports created by TestNG
Generating HTML Reports
Annotations used in TestNG
Validating Tests with Assertions
Creating multiple Tests
Prioritizing Tests

S-9: TestNG Parametrization

Parameterizing Tests with @parameter
Parameterizing Tests with @data Provider
TestNG data Provider with Excel
Creating and Running Test Suites with TestNG.xml
Parallel Test Execution with TestNG
Cross Browser Testing using TestNG

S-10: Selenium frameworks

Introduction to framework
About framework
Use of framework
Different types of frameworks
Different types of packages in framework
Data driven framework
Apache POI
Read and write Excel file using Apache POI

S-11: Keyword driven framework and hybrid framework

Keyword driven framework introduction
Create test case
Test steps with keywords and data
Run the scripts
Writing result in excel
hybrid driven framework introduction
Create test case using HDF
Test steps with both DDT and KDF
Run the scripts
Writing result in excel

S-12: POM (Page Object Model) & page factory

What is POM
Why POM?
Advantages of POM
Creating POM Tests
What is Page Factory?
Creating Tests with Page Factory
Implementing POM
Sample scripts for implementation

S-13: LOG4j

Introduction about Logging
Logging problems without Log4J
How to solve Logging problem with Log4J?
What is Layout?
Different types of Layouts in Log4J
What is Appenders?
Different types of Appenders

S-14: Maven and Jenkins

What is Maven and Why Maven?
Installing/Configuring Maven
Creating Maven Project
Importing Maven Project into Eclipse
What is POM.xml?
Adding Dependencies to POM.xml
Installing/Configuring Jenkins
Scheduling Test Execution in Jenkins
Auto mail configuration in Jenkins
What is continues integration?
Continues integration with JENKINS

S-15: Cucumber framework

Introduction to framework
Cucumber installation
Sample script using cucumber framework
Data driven testing using cucumber

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Accord Info Matrix is a Chennai based Software Firm. Our main focus areas are Software Training and Software Development. Accord started with the ambitious aim of providing QUALITY training to Students and Corporate. We are integrated as an organization of talented trainers having extensive expertise in all facets of providing quality training.

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