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Data Analytic Course Training


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Data Analytic Course Training Syllabus

POWER BI | SQL | PYTHON Syllabus (1)

Introduction to Power BI

What is Power BI? - Overview of Power BI and its significance - Components of Power BI - Power BI Desktop - Power BI Service (Cloud) - Power BI Mobile - Real-world applications in business intelligence - Power BI Workflow - End-to-end process (Extract, Transform, Visualize, Share)

Installation and Setup
System Requirements - Installing Power BI Desktop - Exploring the interface: Home, Report, Data, and Model views –
Connecting to Data Sources

Excel, CSV, SQL Server, Web APIs, Azure, and more - Import vs. DirectQuery - Differences and best use cases - Data Connection Management - Scheduling refresh and handling credentials

Data Transformation with Power Query

Introduction to Power Query Editor - Basic Transformations - Renaming columns, changing data types, removing duplicates - Advanced Transformations - Merging and appending queries - Pivoting and unpivoting columns - Handling null values and errors

Data Modelling

Data Modelling Concepts - Fact Tables vs. Dimension Tables - Star Schema vs. Snowflake Schema - Creating Relationships - Cardinality and cross-filter direction - Calculated Columns and Measures - Differences, creation, and use cases

Introduction to DAX (Data Analysis Expressions)

Basic Functions - Aggregation Functions `SUM`, `AVERAGE`, `COUNT` - Logical Functions `IF`, `AND`, `OR`, `NOT`- Intermediate Functions - Date and Time Functions `TODAY`, `YEAR`, `DATEADD` - Text Functions`CONCATENATE`, `LEFT`, `RIGHT`, `MID`- Statistical Functions `MAX`, `MIN`, `MEDIAN`- Filter Functions `FILTER`, `ALL` - Advanced DAX - Time Intelligence Functions `TOTALYTD`, `SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR`, `PARALLELPERIOD`

Creating Visualizations

Basic Visualizations - Bar Charts, Line Charts, Pie Charts, Tables - Advanced Visualizations - Tree Maps, Funnel Charts, Gauge Charts, Maps - Custom Visuals - Importing and using from AppSource - Visual Interactions Filters, slicers, drillthroughs, and cross-filtering

Designing Reports and Dashboards

Building Reports - Creating multi-page reports - Designing Dashboards - Combining visuals into cohesive stories - Formatting and Layout - Themes, color schemes, and best practices - Adding Interactivity - Using tooltips, bookmarks, and buttons

Power BI Service

Publishing Reports - Uploading reports to Power BI Service - Datasets, Reports, and Dashboards - Understanding components and their interrelation - Sharing and Collaboration - Workspaces, sharing options, and permissions - Basics of Collaboration - Commenting and annotating

End-to-End Project

Connect to a Dataset - Prepare and Clean Data - Create Calculations and Visualizations - Build an Interactive Dashboard - Publish and Share on Public or Online

Introduction to SQL
Introduction and Installation

Introduction to Databases - What is a Database? Importance of databases in applications - Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Types of DBMS: Relational, NoSQL, Object-Oriented, etc. - Overview of SQL and its role in relational databases (RDBMS

Introduction and Installation

Introduction to SQL Server - What is SQL Server? Overview of RDBMS concepts - Overview of different SQL Server Editions (Express, Standard, Enterprise) - SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Introduction and Setup. - Installing and using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for database management

DDL (Data Definition Language)

Creating and Modifying Databases – Creating and Modifying Tables - Table Constraints - - Primary Keys (`PRIMARY KEY` constraint) - Foreign Keys (`FOREIGN KEY` constraint) - Unique Constraints (`UNIQUE` constraint) - Default Values (`DEFAULT` constraint) - Check Constraints (`CHECK` constraint). - Operators, Data Types, and Type Conversion - Arithmetic Operators - Comparison Operators - Logical Operators – BETWEEN, IN, LIKE for pattern matching - IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators. - SQL Server Data Types - Type Conversion

DML (Data Manipulation Language

Inserting Data - Updating Data - Deleting Data

DQL (Data Query Language)

Basic Querying with `SELECT - Filtering Data with `WHERE - Sorting Results Using `ORDER BY` to sort records in ascending (`ASC`) and descending (`DESC`) order. - Conditional Logic with `CASE`- Using Aggregate Functions - Group By, Having, - Difference between `WHERE` and `HAVING`- Using `HAVING` with aggregate functions.

Predefined Functions (String, Date/Time Functions

Common string functions: `LEN()`, `SUBSTRING()`, `CHARINDEX()`, `UPPER()`, `LOWER()`, `REPLACE()`, `LEFT()`, `RIGHT()` - Concatenating strings with `+` or `CONCAT()`. Date/Time Functions in SQL Server - Getting the current date/time (`GETDATE()`, `SYSDATETIME()`) - Adding/subtracting dates (`DATEADD()`) - Finding the difference between dates (`DATEDIFF()`) - Extracting parts of a date (`YEAR()`, `MONTH()`, `DAY()`)

Joins in SQL Server

Introduction to Joins - What are joins? Why do we use them - Types of Joins - INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN, CROSS JOIN, SELF JOIN

Transaction Control and Permission

Understanding Transactions - `BEGIN TRANSACTION` - `COMMIT TRANSACTION`- Committing the transaction - `ROLLBACK TRANSACTION` - `SAVEPOINT` - SQL Server Privileges and Subqueries - Granting Permissions - Revoking permissions - Role-based permissions in SQL Server.

Subqueries and Index in SQL Server

Using subqueries in `SELECT`, `WHERE`, `FROM`, and `HAVING` clauses - Correlated Subqueries vs Non-Correlated Subqueries - Subqueries in `JOIN` conditions - Indexes - Creating indexes - Removing indexes - Clustered vs Non-Clustered Indexes. - Impact of indexes on performance (index maintenance, over-indexing).

Database Objects

Views – Creating Views - Modifying views – Removing Views - Using views for complex query simplification - Stored Procedures - Creating stored procedures - Executing stored procedures (`EXEC`) - Input/output parameters in stored procedures - Error handling in stored procedures with `TRY...CATCH – Triggers - Creating triggers `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE` operations - BEFORE and AFTER triggers.

Introduction To Python

Installation and Working with Python Understanding Python variables Python basic Operators Understanding python blocks

Python Data Types

Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex Using string data type and string operations Defining list and list slicing Use of Tuple data type

Python Program Flow Control

Conditional blocks using if, else and elif Simple for loops in python For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries Use of while loops in python Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else Programming using Python conditional and loops block

Python Functions, Modules And Packages

Organizing python codes using functions Organizing python projects into modules Importing own module as well as external modules Understanding Packages Powerful Lamda function in python Programming using functions, modules and external packages

Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations

Building blocks of python programs Understanding string in build methods List manipulation using in build methods Dictionary manipulation Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions

Python File Operation

Reading config files in python Writing log files in python Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines() Understanding write functions, write() and writelines() Manipulating file pointer using seek Programming using file operations

Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops

Concept of class, object and instances Constructor, class attributes and destructors Real time use of class in live projects Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes Programming using Oops support

Python Regular Expression

Powerful pattern matching and searching Power of pattern searching using regex in python Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex Password, email, url validation using regular expression Pattern finding programs using regular expression

Python Exception Handling

Avoiding code break using exception handling Safe guarding file operation using exception handling Handling and helping developer with error code Programming using Exception handling

Python Database Interaction

SQL Database connection using python Creating and searching tables Reading and storing config information on database Programming using database connections

Python Multithreading

Understanding threads Forking threads Synchronizing the threads Programming using multithreading

Sample Project

TABLEAU | SQL | PYTHON Syllabus (2)

Introduction to Tableau

What is Tableau - Overview of Tableau Products: Tableau Desktop, Tableau Online, Tableau Server, Tableau Public - Why Tableau - Tableau vs. Traditional Reporting Tools - Tableau Ecosystem Overview

Installation and Environment Setup

System Requirements and Installing Tableau Desktop - Setting Up Tableau Public (for Free Use) - Tableau Interface Overview - Data Pane, Shelves, Cards, and Worksheet Navigation

Connecting to Data

Supported Data Sources: Excel, CSV, Databases, and Cloud Platforms - Live vs. Extract Connections - Managing Data Connections: Updating, Replacing, and Extracting Data - Connecting to Sample Superstore Dataset

Data Preparation and Cleaning

Data Preparation Tools - Understanding Dimensions and Measures - Renaming Fields, Assigning Aliases - Splitting Columns, Grouping, and Creating Sets - Data Cleaning - Handling Null Values and Duplicates - Filtering and Sorting Data - Pivoting and Unpivoting Data

Tableau Data Modeling

Introduction to Data Modeling Concepts in Tableau - Managing Joins: Inner, Left, Right, and Full Outer Joins - Blending Data from Multiple Sources - Relationships and Logical Layer Modeling (Tableau’s New Data Model) - Unioning Tables

Tableau Calculations and Functions

Basic Calculations - Calculated Fields and Aggregations - Arithmetic Calculations (e.g., Profit Ratios, Percentages) - Table Calculations - Running Totals, Moving Averages, and Percent of Total - Advanced Functions: Logical Functions: IF, CASE, ZNULL - String Functions: CONCAT, LEFT, RIGHT, MID - Date Functions: TODAY, DATEDIFF, DATENAME - LOD (Level of Detail) Expressions: FIXED, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE

Visual Analytics

Creating Visualizations: Bar Charts, Line Charts, Scatter Plots, and Pie Charts - Heat Maps, Tree Maps, Bubble Charts - Advanced Visualizations: Dual-Axis Charts, Waterfall Charts, Bullet Graphs - Geospatial Visualizations: Maps and Custom Territories - Enhancing Visuals: Formatting Options: Fonts, Colors, and Layout - Adding Labels, Annotations, and Tooltips

Interactivity in Tableau

Filters: Quick Filters, Context Filters, and Top N Filters - Parameters: Creating and Using Parameters for Interactivity - Dashboard Interactivity: Actions: Filter, Highlight, and URL Actions

Dashboards and Stories

Building Dashboards: Adding Worksheets to Dashboards - Adjusting Layouts and Sizing for Responsiveness - Dashboard Best Practices: Designing for User Experience - Using Containers for Alignment - Creating Stories: Telling a Data Story with Tableau Stories - Adding Annotations and Descriptions

Tableau Maps and Geospatial Analytics

Working with Geographic Data - Creating Maps with Geographic Dimensions - Advanced Mapping: Custom Territories, Path Maps, and Heat Maps - Integrating Map Layers

Tableau Server and Tableau Online

Publishing Workbooks to Tableau Online or Tableau Server - Managing Permissions and Sharing Dashboards - Automating Data Refresh for Extracts - Collaboration and User Roles in Tableau Server

Performance Optimization

Best Practices for Extracts and Joins - Using the Performance Recorder Tool - Advanced LOD Calculations: Row-Level, Aggregate-Level, and Nested LOD Expressions - Integrations: Connecting Tableau with R and Python for Advanced Analytics - Tableau Prep for Data Preparation - Embedded Analytics: Embedding Tableau Visuals in Applications

End-to-End Project

Connect to a Dataset - Prepare and Clean Data - Create Calculations and Visualizations - Build an Interactive Dashboard - Publish and Share on Tableau Public or Online

Introduction to SQL
Introduction and Installation

Introduction to Databases - What is a Database? Importance of databases in applications - Introduction to Database Management Systems (DBMS) - Types of DBMS: Relational, NoSQL, Object-Oriented, etc. - Overview of SQL and its role in relational databases (RDBMS

Introduction and Installation

Introduction to SQL Server - What is SQL Server? Overview of RDBMS concepts - Overview of different SQL Server Editions (Express, Standard, Enterprise) - SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Introduction and Setup. - Installing and using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for database management

DDL (Data Definition Language)

Creating and Modifying Databases – Creating and Modifying Tables - Table Constraints - - Primary Keys (`PRIMARY KEY` constraint) - Foreign Keys (`FOREIGN KEY` constraint) - Unique Constraints (`UNIQUE` constraint) - Default Values (`DEFAULT` constraint) - Check Constraints (`CHECK` constraint). - Operators, Data Types, and Type Conversion - Arithmetic Operators - Comparison Operators - Logical Operators – BETWEEN, IN, LIKE for pattern matching - IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators. - SQL Server Data Types - Type Conversion

DML (Data Manipulation Language

Inserting Data - Updating Data - Deleting Data

DQL (Data Query Language)

Basic Querying with `SELECT - Filtering Data with `WHERE - Sorting Results Using `ORDER BY` to sort records in ascending (`ASC`) and descending (`DESC`) order. - Conditional Logic with `CASE`- Using Aggregate Functions - Group By, Having, - Difference between `WHERE` and `HAVING`- Using `HAVING` with aggregate functions.

Predefined Functions (String, Date/Time Functions

Common string functions: `LEN()`, `SUBSTRING()`, `CHARINDEX()`, `UPPER()`, `LOWER()`, `REPLACE()`, `LEFT()`, `RIGHT()` - Concatenating strings with `+` or `CONCAT()`. Date/Time Functions in SQL Server - Getting the current date/time (`GETDATE()`, `SYSDATETIME()`) - Adding/subtracting dates (`DATEADD()`) - Finding the difference between dates (`DATEDIFF()`) - Extracting parts of a date (`YEAR()`, `MONTH()`, `DAY()`)

Joins in SQL Server

Introduction to Joins - What are joins? Why do we use them - Types of Joins - INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL OUTER JOIN, CROSS JOIN, SELF JOIN

Transaction Control and Permission

Understanding Transactions - `BEGIN TRANSACTION` - `COMMIT TRANSACTION`- Committing the transaction - `ROLLBACK TRANSACTION` - `SAVEPOINT` - SQL Server Privileges and Subqueries - Granting Permissions - Revoking permissions - Role-based permissions in SQL Server.

Subqueries and Index in SQL Server

Using subqueries in `SELECT`, `WHERE`, `FROM`, and `HAVING` clauses - Correlated Subqueries vs Non-Correlated Subqueries - Subqueries in `JOIN` conditions - Indexes - Creating indexes - Removing indexes - Clustered vs Non-Clustered Indexes. - Impact of indexes on performance (index maintenance, over-indexing).

Database Objects

Views – Creating Views - Modifying views – Removing Views - Using views for complex query simplification - Stored Procedures - Creating stored procedures - Executing stored procedures (`EXEC`) - Input/output parameters in stored procedures - Error handling in stored procedures with `TRY...CATCH – Triggers - Creating triggers `INSERT`, `UPDATE`, `DELETE` operations - BEFORE and AFTER triggers.

Introduction To Python

Installation and Working with Python Understanding Python variables Python basic Operators Understanding python blocks

Python Data Types

Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex Using string data type and string operations Defining list and list slicing Use of Tuple data type

Python Program Flow Control

Conditional blocks using if, else and elif Simple for loops in python For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries Use of while loops in python Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else Programming using Python conditional and loops block

Python Functions, Modules And Packages

Organizing python codes using functions Organizing python projects into modules Importing own module as well as external modules Understanding Packages Powerful Lamda function in python Programming using functions, modules and external packages

Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations

Building blocks of python programs Understanding string in build methods List manipulation using in build methods Dictionary manipulation Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions

Python File Operation

Reading config files in python Writing log files in python Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines() Understanding write functions, write() and writelines() Manipulating file pointer using seek Programming using file operations

Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops

Concept of class, object and instances Constructor, class attributes and destructors Real time use of class in live projects Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes Programming using Oops support

Python Regular Expression

Powerful pattern matching and searching Power of pattern searching using regex in python Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex Password, email, url validation using regular expression Pattern finding programs using regular expression

Python Exception Handling

Avoiding code break using exception handling Safe guarding file operation using exception handling Handling and helping developer with error code Programming using Exception handling

Python Database Interaction

SQL Database connection using python Creating and searching tables Reading and storing config information on database Programming using database connections

Python Multithreading

Understanding threads Forking threads Synchronizing the threads Programming using multithreading

Sample Project

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